Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Davinci Code Talk

This is the first installment from a talk I gave at the University of Nebraska, Kearney about The Da Vinci Code Book. The movie comes out tomorrow:

It is a worldwide bestseller with sales of more than 40 million copies (as of March 2006) and has been translated into 44 languages. It is very popular with college students and ranks number one on the book list. Why the popularity? I can think of one reason to begin.

It has been said that if it were in man's power to kill God, there would be no where in the universe that God would be safe.

For some students the attraction of the Da Vinci Code is just that: to silence God (at least the God of the Bible); this God of sexual boundaries. Silence Jesus with his morbid death for "sinners". Freedom from religion. Ding dong the church is dead; now we can get on with what we want to do. This doubtless for some is the giddy satisfaction of the Da Vinci Code. If the Bible can be shown to be fiction, then why would anyone take it seriously? And without the Bible who can say what I'’m doing is wrong.

If you are here tonight and share those sentiments, I have some very bad news for you. Actually its good news, but not for everyone, and apparently not for you, if you celebrate the death of God.

The news is this: The Bible is true. God is not dead, Jesus was dead but has risen, and the Holy Spirit is the animating life-force of the people of God's kingdom, otherwise known as the church, past, present and of course in the future.

How do I know all of this? - The Bible tells me so. IÂ’m not here to convince you of the truth of the Bible. I can hardly do that. I am here to give you facts and ideas that might help you sort through facts and fiction in the da Vinci Code and elsewhere

The Da Vinci Code cast doubt on The church, The bible, and Jesus.

By the time I'm done tonight I can guarantee you that you will have solid evidence that the Da Vinci Code is a complete fiction. You will also have evidence that the Bible is not only historically accurate but morally beautiful. What you do with that information is entirely up to you.

Conspiracy Theories are very popular. We all like secrets and to be "“in the know"”. Movies like JFK, National Treasure and Raiders of the Lost Ark all contain intriguing conspiracies of historical secrets that have been covered up due to diabolical agendas. All were compelling as drama but scoffed at as actual history.

Why is the Da Vinci Code different? It'’s only fiction. What'’s the big deal? Why is this book any different than other fictional conspiracy stories? For openers the author (Dan Brown) does not think his book is all fiction. On a June 9, 2003 interview on the Today show Brown said that it was his goal to "challenge certain long-held beliefs or truths about religion."” Brown obviously has an agenda and believes that he is promoting truths that should replace long-held falsehoods.

Are the claims of the Da Vinci Code solid enough to overturn long-held beliefs about religion? You be the judge after you hear what I'’ve said. I view this whole controversy as a tremendous opportunity to ask important questions about truth, goodness and beauty. So let'’s begin.


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