Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Capote (2005)

Capote (2005)

This is another one that I saw weeks ago but have failed to post on.

I found this a very interesting film. Set in a color palette that seems black and white in the memory, and having almost no soundtrack, Capote feels like a desolate barren landscape, of the soul.

From one angle Capote is a crime drama with a bit of mystery for those who do not know the story of the brutal murders that inspired Capote's "In Cold Blood". From another angle the film is a character study of tragic flaws reminiscent of Oedipus or Hamlet.

Capote is portrayed in counterpoint to a brutal murderer and both are found to be intelligent, educated, amoral narcissists. Whether this judgment is too harsh can certainly be debated but this is not the story of savory characters.

The film is very engaging. It unfolds quietly, like a thief preparing to steal your neighbor's car in the early morning hours. You would stop it at all costs if you could but if you can't you are compelled to watch.

Philip Seymour Hoffman is a truly fine actor. I've admired his work and as I look over his filmography I have many fond memories of his roles in Cold Mountain, 25th Hour, Punch-Drunk Love, State and Main and even Patch Adams. His performance in Magnolia is one for the ages.

Capote is a great performance as well, but his character is not a sympathetic figure, which I admit is evidence of a great portrayal.

Definitely worth seeing if you like intelligent character studies.

My Rating: Rentable

1 comment:

EA said...

I agree with your assessment of this film and with that of Hoffmans' performance. Capote is not a sympathetic figure, but a pitiable one. Definitely worth seeing.

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