Usually random links to stuff I think is interesting, politically, culturally and morally. Sometimes I actually write some things, but not as often as I'd like.
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Way to Lead
Way to go guys!
Easter Sunday marks Community of Hopes inaugural service
In a related story...
CCC family mourns fallen son
Their son Brett was killed by a land mine while serving our country in Afghanistan.
We mourn their loss and rejoice in their son's love of God and others. I am grateful for Brett's service.
Hoosiers mourn fallen sons: "said his brother 'loved people very well, and he loved them because his first love was Jesus. He was funny, witty and passionate about just sucking the marrow out of life."
Campus Values: Anything Goes! (except religous values)
"Thursday, March 17, 2005 Radio Show
Hour 1:
Newly Bi-Sexual
talks to Anna Montrose, a Canadian student who wrote an article in her college
newspaper describing her sexual transformation from rigid heterosexual to
This is among the most riveting hours of conversation that I have ever heard. I subscribe to Prager's web site and can download these for free. I'd put in on the web but that would be cheating Dennis.
Ms. Montrose is an upperclasswoman at McGill College, among the most prestigious campuses in Canada. This conversation makes painfully obvious the moral and intellectual vacuum that students experience at college. The most stunning moment was when Ms. Montrose admits that incest is not wrong and really no ones business as long as it's between consenting adults. She's was willing to conclude this rather than affirming that society has a right to encourage some kinds of sexuality and discourage others.
If you want to hear firsthand the dominant thinking of the university, this is it. You will likely be shocked and discouraged.
Blogger stinks
Update: Welcome Wired News Readers. Thanks for the link. At least I didn't use the word sucks. That would have been unoriginal apparently.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
TNIV Perspectives
I got an email from a friend on staff with CCC yesterday who told me The New International Version of the Bible by Zondervan was being proposed for use by Campus Crusade for Christ. Each fall CCC gives away a free gift to freshman called a Freshman Survival Kit with various things that will help a student with their first year of college life. Included in the kit may be the TNIV.
My friend has heard controversy over this translation (as have I) and I decided to look into it just a bit. Here's what I found quickly (with more to follow):
Point by Mark D Roberts:
On the Debate: Supporters of the TNIV include many of the heavyweights of evangelicalism: Bill Hybels, Lee Strobel, Erwin McManus, Darrell Bock, Philip Yancey, John R. W. Stott, Ted Haggard, Craig Blomberg, Roger Nicole, Timothy George, Dan Kimball, Diane Komp, John Kohlenberger III, Tremper Longman, Jim Cymbala, and Cornelius Plantinga, Jr.
His street cred: If a mature Christian is looking for a study Bible, I recommend The Reformation Study Bible (formerly New Geneva Study Bible) which as of this date comes only in the NKJV. It will soon be released in the ESV, however, which should improve readability and accuracy. This Study Bible comes with the best notes of any Bible of which I am aware, though Christians who are not Reformed theologically wont appreciate it as much as I do.
Counterpoint by Vern Poythress in this article:
I personally swear by the Reformation Study Bible.
Campus Ministry Job Security Update
This study shows again today why Campus Ministry is needed on most campuses:
"By their own description, 72 percent of those teaching at American universities and colleges are liberal and 15 percent are conservative, says the study being published this week."In general, my experience on campus has taught me that liberal is a synonym for secular in the vast majority of cases.
"Religious services take a back seat for many faculty members, with 51 percent saying they rarely or never attend church or synagogue and 31 percent calling themselves regular churchgoers."So two thirds of those with grading power over your academic career are by their own admission out of step with those who regularly observe religious services. In my experience religious views are treated with ridicule and dismissal by those in power on college campuses. Yet the monolithic cloud of secularism that dominates campus life gives rise to weakness in the the arguments against religious belief. Apparently the views of those in power on campus are dismissed by many students:
"It's hard to see that these liberal views cut very deeply into the education of students. In fact, a number of studies show the core values that students bring into the university are not very much altered by being in college."This is true and not true. Many students retain a religious perspective but become ashamed to admit it in public, fearing ridicule and marginalization which they experienced on campus. Some reject their faith outright under such pressure but others subvert it in shame. It is difficult to maintain a vibrant faith that is hidden.
Yet because students are attracted to the subversive, campus ministry remains strong. Christianity is the subversive ideology on today's campuses in the face of the dominant secular overlords. It is an honor to be a representative of real diversity in an otherwise monochrome world of ideas.
Of course I will soon be on campus in the Northeast:
"The researchers say that liberals, men and non-regular churchgoers are more likely to be teaching at top schools, while conservatives, women and more religious faculty are more likely to be relegated to lower-tier colleges and universities."It will be an honor to bring diversity to some of the top campuses in the country in and around the Boston area.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Finding Neverland
Finding Neverland is a subtle, sweet and wonderful movie. It recalls the joy and innocence of childhood to quickly lost to adult concerns. It is a picture of a man who grew up too fast and spend his days trying to regain his lost childhood. Johnny Depp is as good as it gets, another fine performance. This film is a bit to complex for children but only because of the depth of character portrayed.
My rating: Suprisingly it's Big Screen. This film is so subtle that the Big Screen is necessary to fully experience it's emotional power.
Monday, March 28, 2005
No Joke!
You know what they say, "If you aint Muslim, you aint Shiite."
No offense of course.
CCC Blogging
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Monday, March 21, 2005
Science's new heresy trial
Whereupon major academic publications—Science, Nature, Chronicles of Higher Education—expressed outrage. The anger was focused not on the substance of the article, but on the mere fact that a peer-reviewed scientific journal would print such an article.
So the wrath of the Darwinists fell on Mr. Sternberg, the editor. Although he had stepped down from the editorship, his supervisors at the Smithsonian took away his office, made him turn in his keys, and cut him off from access to the collections he needs for his research. He is also being subjected to the sectarian religious discipline of 'shunning.' His colleagues are refusing to talk to him or even greet him in the hallways.
His supervisors also staged an inquisition about Mr. Sternberg's religious and even political beliefs. Mr. Sternberg, who describes himself as a Catholic with lots of questions, has filed a case alleging discrimination not just on the grounds of religion but 'perceived' religion."
Schiavo: Who's life is it anyway.
While driving my oldest daughter around town she asked me to explain what all the fuss was over starving someone.
As I began to explain I could feel nausea in my gut. I explained that Terry Schiavo is in a coma (which I learned later is not true) and her husband wants to relieve her suffering by removing a tube that feeds her. I tried to be as even handed as possible in my explanation but when it came right down to it I was explaining to my daughter that a judge is going to order the starvation of a helpless victim.
My daughter, even at the tender age of 11, was incredulous. She immediately asked an interesting question, "Why is it her husband's decision? He's not even related to her."
I'm not one to extol the virtue of blood over love in the realm of family bonds (a la Dennis Prager) but in this case I thought my daughter had raised a pretty fair question. Why is the life of Terry Schiavo in the hands of someone who has no life long blood relation to her?
It seems from this article that Terri Schiavo's brother is more concerned with her life than here husband.
...and a little child shall lead them.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Dennis Prager: The case for Judeo-Christian values: Part II
Dennis Prager: The case for Judeo-Christian values: Part II: "Years ago, I debated this issue at Oxford with Jonathan Glover, currently the professor of ethics at King's College, University of London, and one of the leading atheist moralists of our time.
Because he is a man of rare intellectual honesty, he acknowledged that without God, morality is subjective. He is one of the few secularists who do."
Friday, March 18, 2005
Campus Paper: I think I was born this way?
The McGill Daily: Brain Candy: Meow meow meow mix: "It’s hard to go through four years of a humanities BA reading Foucault and Butler and watching The L-Word and keep your rigid heterosexuality intact. I don’t know when it happened exactly, but it seems I no longer have the easy certainty of pinning my sexual desire to one gender and never the other. "
Apparently some people choose to be gay.
Updated: You gotta be kidding me!
I could have mailed this faster:
I'm in the airport in Phx @ 2pm on Sat. March 12. I don't know how much internet access I'll have for the next few days. More soon..
From my phone,
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Why Oil in ANWR us probably a good idea...
"In the 1970's, the environmental movement was convinced that the Alaska oil pipeline would devastate the Central Arctic caribou herd. Since then, it has quintupled.
When I first began to worry about climate change, global cooling and nuclear winter seemed the main risks. As Newsweek said in 1975: 'Meteorologists disagree about the cause and extent of the cooling trend ... but they are almost unanimous in the view that the trend will reduce agricultural productivity for the rest of the century.'
This record should teach environmentalists some humility. The problems are real, but so is the uncertainty. Environmentalists were right about DDT's threat to bald eagles, for example, but blocking all spraying in the third world has led to hundreds of thousands of malaria deaths.
Likewise, environmentalists were right to warn about population pressures, but they overestimated wildly. Paul Ehrlich warned in 'The Population Bomb' that 'the battle to feed humanity is over. ... Hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death.' On my bookshelf is an even earlier book, 'Too Many Asians,' with a photo of a mass of Indians on the cover. The book warns that the threat from relentlessly multiplying Asians is 'even more grave than that of nuclear warfare.'"
Actually the UN has been convening to figure out how to solve the problem of underpopulation.
Back in 1991 I heard some guy on the radio doing a bit he called an "Environmentalist Wacko Update". I was stunned because I had never heard anyone desecrate the holy name of environmentalism. He went on about how most of what Environmentalism claims is exaggerated or outright, politically motivated lies.
He later published a book called See I told you so.
I wonder why?
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Cronkite: Stay Classy America!
Just the day before, however, I read this article about the rambling incoherence of America's foremost anchorman, Walter Cronkite. His comments are too long winded and muddled to reproduce here at length but this summary will give you an idea:
OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today: "So, to sum up: 'Those Arabs,' who are at once 'dying of AIDS' and 'starving to death,' and who by the way get their electricity from 'a foot pump,' are 'mad at us' over the Kyoto accords and bejeweled TV 'doxies.' Ergo, we need 'true world government.' Such wisdom is the product of 65 years in the news business."
This is not a joke. Read it for yourself.
Life imitating art. Stay classy America!
Will Vietnam be the next Iraq?
Maybe war, sometimes, is the answer.
The Globe and Mail: Family movies outselling R-rated fare
And this is in a year that included the most successful R rated film of all time: The Passion of the Christ
Dennis Prager has said for years that the reason Hollywood doesn't make more family films is not economic; clearly the money is there. It's that hollywood generally is not populated by families. R rated fare better reflects the demographic of hollywood.
Academic Freedom; enemies and defenders
"The problem being that many professors seem to regard their classrooms as political soapboxes and require one “correct” answer to questions that are controversial.
Since the intent of many of the critics of our story is to put this view of what is going in our universities in question, allow me to point out that the president of Harvard has just been publicly humiliated by his faculty for expressing a politically incorrect opinion on a controversial subject. If the president of Harvard – a former member of the Clinton cabinet and a distinguished scholar in his own right -- can be humiliated by out-of-control ideologues on his faculty, imagine what these same faculty members will do to students over whom they have authority and grading power. That – and not a particular exam at the University of Northern Colorado – is the basis for our academic freedom campaign."
Think of this when you are saving money for a college education that will make you a "free" thinker. It's not free in any sense of the word.
Monday, March 14, 2005
Slow Phone Posts
I'm in AZ and found a sweet little coffee shop with free wi fi. Little time to post though, till Wednesday probably.
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Blogging Clicks With Colleges (
Blogging Clicks With Colleges ( (required Registration):
"Blogs already have seeped into everyday life on campus. At Johns Hopkins, two juniors just set up a service for students and faculty to start their own blogs. Georgetown University tinkered with software to make it easy for professors to create blogs. There are course blogs on religion, war, literature, even cattle, at Texas A&M University.
'It's more power to the student,' said junior John Dorman, whose Georgetown government class blog bubbled with a debate over morality and politics recently, with students posting comments from 7:30 p.m. until nearly 7:30 the next morning.
Students in sophomore Craig Kessler's English class got hooked, and he said they became closer and more engaged than in any class he has taken. When the semester ended this winter, students asked the professor, David Lipscomb: Could they keep writing the blog?"
Friday, March 11, 2005
Home State of Rainy Seattle Declares Drought
If these aren't the end times, they are end times kind of times.
(sarcastic pause)
Blogads: reader survey for blog advertising.
Blogads: reader survey for blog advertising.: "Last year, we got 17,159 responses. This year, 30,079 blog readers responded.
Last year, 61% of responding blog readers were over 30 years old. This year, 75% are over 30 years old.
Last year, 40% had family incomes greater than $90,000. This year, 43% exceed that figure."
Thursday, March 10, 2005
A Large Regular for the Sox Fans in the House
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Fighting for a Generation
The New Yorker: Fact: "There may be a generational explanation. While most high-ranking officers are baby boomers, most lieutenants and captains are of Generation X, born in the mid-sixties or after. Gen X officers, often the product of single-parent homes or homes in which both parents worked, are markedly more self-reliant and confident of their abilities than their baby-boomer superiors, according to Army surveys of both groups. Baby boomers moved up the ranks during the comfortable clarity of the Cold War, but the Gen Xers came of age during messy peacekeeping missions in Kosovo, Bosnia, Somalia, and Haiti. Gen Xers are notoriously unimpressed by rank, as Donald Rumsfeld discovered in December, when enlisted soldiers questioned him sharply about the lack of armor on their vehicles. This turns out to be a positive development for the Army, because the exigencies of the Iraq war are forcing the decision-making downward"
Monday, March 07, 2005
Fifty-nine Deceits in Fahrenheit 911
If you have not read this article, then you have not "seen" the film. Minute by minute, scene by scene, Kopel, a Nader voter, takes apart the unethical propaganda of Moore.
What I learned from this is a great respect for the integrity of George W. Bush. If you spend two hours of film cramming in one deceit for every two minutes of the film, doesn't that mean that you don't have anything really damning to spend your time on?
There's no there, there.
You may not agree with Bush's policies, but if Michael Moore can't make a better argument than this, then Bush has to be a pretty sound guy as politicians go.
I am going to buy this film soon. I've read that it's a primer on the ethics of documentary film making. So much so that it could be a "text" for any media studies class.
How can I honor God with my work, and leisure?
It is in many ways the reason that I decided to go into ministry.
It is a jarring exploration of the significance of how we spend our waking hours.
It is a classic by Walt Henrichsen that I can't find anywhere else.
I read it in college and I've never been the same.
I've kept it for 15 years and now, through the miracle of blogging, make it available here.
I strongly urge you to read this and/or give it to students in High School or College who are approaching graduation.
Many thanks to Rebecca and her Mom for digitizing it for me.
Elizabeth Hoffman Resigns from CU
Ward Churchill Yes! Phil Mitchell No! Diversity (or it's lack) at CU
"Mitchell never refers to "actions" or "trigger fingers" and seldom calls anyone a Nazi.
Boring stuff.
As an alternative, Mitchell likes to employ facts in his history courses.
He teaches. He doesn't preach.
His reward? After more than 20 years, Mitchell may be out at CU."
Mitchell belongs to that hated sect, responsible for so many atrocities in the Middle East and around the world: Conservative Christianity?
Of course, as Harsanyi notes, this kind of "radical" agenda is not welcome at CU:
"...Mitchell had the audacity to use a book on liberal Protestantism in the late 19th century. So repulsed by the word "god" was one student, she complained, and the department chair fired him without a meeting, he said.
Was there a protest for academic freedom? Bullhorns? Power to the people?
Conceivably, if Mitchell would have used a less-offensive book - say the Churchill classic "Perversions of Justice" (Ward's hobby?) - he could have rallied the Kool-Aid brigade lickety split.
In time, Mitchell was reinstated but was never able to teach in the history department again."
Of course one thing we all know about conservatives of any stripe, they are racists right?
Mitchell taught at the Hallett Diversity Program for 24 straight semesters. That is, until he made the colossal error of actually presenting a (gasp!) diverse opinion, quoting respected conservative black intellectual Thomas Sowell in a discussion about affirmative action.
Sitting 5 feet from a pink triangle that read "Hate-Free Zone," the progressive head of the department berated Mitchell, calling him a racist.
"That would have come as a surprise to my black children," explains Mitchell, who has nine kids, as of last count, two of them adopted African-Americans.
There seems to be discrimination here, just not by the conservative.
And so the sad saga of CU slouches from silly to sinister. I wonder if it's a coincidence that this article didn't come from a Boulder paper.
He wrote that that not all people may need to be Christians to be followers of Jesus. Some people, he suggested, may be able to be "Buddhist … (or) Jewish or Hindu followers of Jesus.""I am the way, the truth, and the life."
Jesus was so narrow minded.
Dateline and Michael Horton drop the hammer on Benny Hinn
I Tivo'd it and just finished watching with my wife.
We were sickened.
Being in ministry ourselves, our revulsion is particularly violent upon seeing the shameless manipulation for personal gain that characterized Benny Hinn's "ministry".
Most painful were the shots of the lame and ill who wait in the back to experience healing at a Hinn event, and go away with nothing but crushed hopes and less money.
This juxtaposed with Hinn "laying over" at the most expensive hotel suites from Cancun to Europe.
I consoled myself with this though.
Hinn's ministry is not part of the ECFA which includes reputable Christian organizations like the one I work for.
Mike Horton looked good. Fatherhood seems to agree with him. He's apparently had 4 since I left the seminary in 2000. He obviously takes seriously the part about God's promises "for your children also."
They highlighted his book on televangelism on the show. His organizations web site is full of resources. No blog though, which is very disappointing for a guy who thinks so highly of the Reformation. I think I'll send him a copy of this.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Atheism Losing Believers
The other is the historical experience of hundreds of millions of people worldwide that atheists are in no position to claim the moral high ground. "
Someone tell our fine Universities.
Friday, March 04, 2005
Velveteen Equations
Krugman: Another casualty of the Blog Reformation
From pg. 210: "Paul Krugman, professor of economics and international affairs at Princeton..."
5 years ago I would have been very impressed by this description. Princeton is where smart people of towering moral intellect like Peter Singer work, right?
But since I began to read Instapundit last year, I have read the name Paul Krugman again and again.
And his name is always mentioned with derision.
Examples are as fresh as today's headlines.
Blogs have made it possible for me to read, almost weekly, devastating critique of a New York Times economist.
I don't know anything about Economics. Heck I can barely balance a checkbook.
But I know from the withering accountability of blogs that Paul Krugman is usually wrong, and usually partisan. Never mind that he's featured in "the paper of record".
Speaking of which, the New York Times is regularly the object of derision. At least it's not the object of outrage (like the LA Times).
The emperor has no clothes.
Thanks Blogosphere: Reformed and always reforming.
Dennis Prager: The case for Judeo-Christian values
I heard someone say years ago that an evangelical Protestant like me has more in common with a Roman Catholic than a liberal Protestant. I think that's true.
The reason hinges on the question of whether the text of Scripture is Divine and infallible.
I think the same could be said about Jews like Prager. Prager has more in common with evangelical Protestants like me than he does with secular Jews.
Here's the first installment.
Dennis Prager: Better answers: The case for Judeo-Christian values: "Better answers: The case for Judeo-Christian values"
Here's a juicy quote:
"The oft cited charge that religion has led to more wars and evil than anything else is a widely believed lie. Secular successors to Christianity have slaughtered and enslaved more people than all religions in history (though significant elements within a non-Judeo-Christian religion, Islam, slaughter and enslave today, and if not stopped in Sudan and elsewhere could match Nazism or Communism)."
Von Trier: Death Penalty for Donkeys
"Maverick Danish filmmaker Lars von Trier will cut scenes of a donkey being butchered from his film about slavery in the U.S. South after protests from animal rights activists who said he killed the animal for entertainment."
Von Trier denied the donkey was killed for entertainment. He said the political and social content of the film, "Manderlay," was so important that it would be unfortunate if it was rejected or ignored because of the donkey.
"My personal feeling is that I acted conscientiously, and I don't suppose we'll ever agree on that."
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Thank You Hillel for inviting Dennis Prager to CU

Here's a slightly blurry picture of Dennis Prager, taken at a reception after the talk. Major kudos to Hillel at CU Boulder for making it possible for Dennis to speak.

Dennis Prager Spoke at CU Boulder - 7 Should Israel Exist
He said that compared to the founding of Pakistan out of India, the founding of Israel was like a square dance.
He recommended Freedom at Midnight to prove the massive death and strife that accompanied the founding of Pakistan.
Dennis Prager Spoke at CU Boulder - 6 Save Money on College, don't send your kids.
He used to say that college was not as important as most people make it out to be.
Last night he actually said that unless your child is going into the hard sciences, you would be better off giving your child $15,000 a year for four years and lettting them travel or do as they will with it.
His argument is that a liberal arts education is so foolish, that just living in the real world, is better than recovering from 4 years of disinformation and propaganda.
His famous quip is, "whenever I hear something particularly stupid, I know the person speaking must have gone to graduate school".
Dennis Prager spoke at CU - 5 America is good for Jews
The two of them, in turn, read a list of examples of anti-Semitism in America. They questioned whether America could be described as Judeo-Christian.
They thought Dennis was too dismissive of Europe.
They said, in effect, that actions are more important than beliefs to judge a person or country and the anti-Semitic actions of Americans are more indicative than any Judeo-Christian values.
Prager's response was overpowering.
He said that he had written a book on anti-Semitism and he was familiar with the examples they gave. He asked them why they didn't include several other famous examples.
One of the students asked how he could dismiss Europe when it produced the likes of Einstein. To which Prager responded that Einstein fled Europe.
The crowd roared.
Prager then said that despite all of their examples, he could prove that America was the best country in history for Jews.
He asked the two students at the microphone if they were both Jewish. They said they were.
Prager then asked them why they would choose to live in America, when there is a Jewish state, if they really believed that America is so bad for Jews.
"Talked about your actions betraying your beliefs", Prager quipped. The crowd bellowed in uproarious laughter.
These two students slowly returned to their seats, encouraging one another and obviously licking their wounds.
Boker tov, on Prager, CU, the media and free speech
He looked for news coverage of Dennis Prager's talk at CU last night.
What he found was that tolerance and free speech only go so far at CU, depending on what your politics are:
"When someone is called a N----- [the N-word], no one talks about Free Speech.
It's Free Speech to degrade and defame thousands of innocents murdered in a terrorist attack by calling them 'little Eichmanns.' It's Free Speech when you trivialize the Holocaust, or -as Prager said last night- make it seem silly. It's Free Speech when Ward Churchill publicly laments that 9/11 proved 'insufficient to accomplish its purpose' and says, 'What the hell? It was worth a try.'
Nearly 200 CU faculty took the time and trouble to to sign and publish an ad in the local paper (Daily Camera) to the effect that these statements by Ward Churchill fall under the protection of Free Speech and as such, do not warrant a formal investigation by the University. Do you think they would sign and publish a statement saying that one student calling another a nigger is a matter of Free Speech? No way.
So what do we learn from this? One thing I've learned is that the ethical stance being applied to the 'recent wave of racism' is a sham, differentially applied, based not on timeless principle but on fleeting popularity and utility. What kind of ethical code is it that only applies to some of the people some of the time? Certainly not one you can count on.
The public's responsibility 'for doing something' of which the Vice Provost spoke --the responsibility that 'shouldn't rest solely on the people victimized'-- is not applied equally across the board. Look at it this way. This responsibility to 'do something' is vehemently invoked in this case where folks have been insulted, but is not being invoked where folks have been incinerated ... Jews slaughtered in the Holocaust, passengers on hijacked planes and so-called 'technocrats' working in the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
That's some standard they've got going.
While I started out this morning wishing that Jewish concerns might receive the same level and kind of response as Black concerns, I don't anymore. We may not be supported at all, but any sense of security felt by the Black community could be false. Anyone can, and the Black community may yet, have the rug of support pulled out from under them, should the political wind shift.
At least as a Jew I know where I really stand. There are limits to what people will tolerate, but the lines are drawn in shifting sand. I know I cannot assume that my people will be included, considered or respected at any given time or place. I cannot necessarily expect protection, equal or otherwise. But at least I am not being fooled.
The other thing I learned was that Churchill won't have truly gone over the top until he calls someone a N----- [the N-word]."
Strong words. Read the whole thing.
Ward Churchill, The Nazi's and Godwin's Law
"1. If someone brings up Nazis in general conversation when it wasn't necessary or germane without it necessarily being an insult, it's probably about time for the thread to end.
2. If someone brings up Nazis in general conversation when it was vaguely related but is basically being used as an insult, the speaker can be considered to be flaming and not debating.
3. If someone brings up Nazis in any conversation that has been going on too long for one of the parties, it can be used as a fair excuse to end the thread and declare victory for the other side."
Does this mean the conversation was over as soon as Churchill began it?
Dennis Prager Spoke at CU Boulder - 4 Jews and Christians
Jews protested for the cross to remain on the seal of LA County.
Christians are working for the good of Israel.
Dennis sees this as a powerful alliance. I remember Dennis talking about dialogue that occurred between Jews and Christians following the release of The Passion. He said it was very positive. Wouldn't it be ironic if a movie that was described by the ADL as anti-Semitic was a cause of greater unity between Jews and Christians?
Dennis asked last night why the leaders of the ADL shouldn't be fired for being so wrong about The Passion. He accused them of slandering Christians by accusing them of the possibility of violence accompanying the release of the film. Prager also asked why the ADL doesn't condemn people like Ward Churchill who trivialize the holocaust by improperly citing Adolph Eichmann.
Maybe the ADL is growing in their moral acuity.
Dennis Prager Spoke at CU Boulder - 3
Prager views Churchill as a poster boy for the moral bankruptcy of the University. His views are helpful to clarify the low intellectual state of the professoriate.
He said if Prager could be fired it should be by the left and not by conservatives. If conservatives are behind it it will confirm the propaganda of the left that conservatives are bullies.
A Kerry Democrat: What happened to my party?
I don't like Michael Moore, I don't like Howard Dean and I don't agree with what Ward Churchill said. Those people in the world trade center just got up and went to work.
I don't know if I'm a Democrat any more because I can't hang out with people like this. I don't know if if I'm a Republican either. I don't know if you are my people.
Dennis' response spoke about how he was caught between the amoral left that ignored the evils of Communism, and the propaganda that Republicans are evil.
"Your party is lost", Prager said. He referred to Martin Peretz (hat tip The Belmont Club) as saying this as well.
He also talked about how as an observant Jew who went through a non-kosher period, that it was much harder to vote republican the first time than it was to eat pork the first time.
A black woman is calling Dennis right now talking about how she was shaking in November when she voted republican the first time. She said her mother would be rolling in her grave.
A CU Student comments on Dennis Prager at CU
"I don't understand why none of you guys went or why you don't go to any of these speakers. Even if you don't agree with them, most are world famous and if nothing else worth going to see just as celebrities. And don't say you didn't know about it, Prager was advertised in the Buff Bulletin and in the CRs email, as well as the newspaper and on fliers all around campus. These speakers are the best part of being in college. When else in you life will you have the chance to go to hear someone like this, especially for free.
His talk was probably the best that has been at CU in the past two years (I go to most of them), and that includes Desmond Tutu and Salmon Rushdie."
Dennis Prager Spoke at CU Boulder - 2
Dennis began by saying "God has certainly seemed to have chosen CU". Dennis didn't spend very much time talking about the specific topic which was: "Why are America and Israel the Two Most Hated Nations?"
He did spend a lot of time speaking about the issues of Ward Churchill and the radicalized nature of Academia.
Dennis called Churchill's "little Eichmanns" comment "sick" and the equivalent of saying that blacks who were lynched deserved to be so.
More interesting was Prager's question regarding the response of faculty at Universities. He said in effect , what would be the reaction of faculty if a professor at CU said that blacks deserved to be lynched. The outcry would be great, as it should be. And so the deafening silence of faculty regarding "little Eichmanns" is as morally repugnant as silence in the face of racist comments. But the faculty on university campuses like CU can only muster outrage at sickening comments from the right, and ignore sickening comments from the left.
Dennis Prager Spoke at CU Boulder - 1
I'm going to be posting pictures and reports about last nights speech throughout the day.
Truth in Blogging: Full Disclosure
I have been reading Blog by Hugh Hewitt. It is a harbinger of change to alert the masses of information users that a new day has dawned in the world. The Information Reformation has reappeared, this time with a press that operates at the speed of light, that is available to anyone with a computer and access. The implications may make the Protestant Reformation look like minor episode in the story of the modern era.
I was struck by one idea in particular:
"The key to keep in mind is that trust drives everything. To build and maintain trust is a tremendously difficult thing, requiring patient attention to detail and discipline over long periods of time. Mistakes by bloggers will be forgiven, but not deception and certainly not stubborn attachment to falsehood...
"In a world changing as rapidly as ours is, only those who have earned and continue to earn trust will be in a position to influence the choices of third parties." pg. 155
I realized that I have not created my blog to build trust and create trust. That will change now.
I have changed my "about me" information to more clearly reflect who I am. I will now make my blog a reflection of my life and work, which happens to be Christian campus ministry.
I have feared being fully honest about who I am for a number of reason: mainly cowardice and a desire to control perceptions about me.
Yet in the blogosphere, the truth will come out. If someone wants to find out who I am, they probably can. If I'm not honest and forthright about who I am then I mortgage any trust that might be possible otherwise.
I am what I am. Me and Popeye. I hope you will help me correct the errors in my thinking. I hope I will earn your trust and add to the value of your life.
Fight Club?: Teens Leaping For Thrills In 'Garage Jumping' Trend - Problem Solvers - Teens Leaping For Thrills In 'Garage Jumping' Trend: "ORLANDO, Fla. -- Teenagers in Orlando, Fla., are leaping between 80-foot high public parking garages in a new trend called 'garage jumping,' according to a Local 6 News investigation.
Local 6 News reported that the thrill seekers are vaulting themselves between garages in downtown Orlando.
Tim Bargfrede told Local 6 News that he was following friends when he attempted to garage jump and did not make it to the other side. Bargfrede fell six stories and was knocked unconscious on impact.
'I just didn't make it,' Bargfrede said.
Bargfrede survived the 80-foot fall but was injured.
'The first time I came to the garage after my son's accident, I looked over and I just about broke out in tears,' the boy's father Tim Bargfrede said. 'I can't believe he actually survived. He looked like he was near death.'
'He (Bargfrede) is not he first person, he is not the second person, there have been four or five other individuals before him that did this,' family's attorney Vincent D'Assaro said."
I've said for years that Fight Club is the most profound film ever made on modern masculinity and it's problems. Young men with no purpose for their manhood will find foolish places to deposit their courage and strength. I think this story illustrates the point of the film:
" We're the middle children of history.... no purpose or place. We have no Great War, no Great Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives."
I think 9-11 may have changed this condition for some but clearly not for all.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Blogging Dennis Prager
Chrenkoff asks Victor Davis Hanson about Iraq and the World
"Look at the unrest in Lebanon, the voting in the West Bank, fear in Libya, pressure to reform from the Gulf to Egypt—all impossible without the removal and humiliation of Saddam Hussein, who, had he remained in power, would be nursing Arab pride by blaming us while he recycled petro-dollars, hand in glove with corrupt UN officials and Euros, for more weapons and his own debauchery..."
"The other scenario that a China or the Arab world, like the Ottomans of old, can cherry-pick Western technology and add its veneer to their own unfree societies to defeat us with our weaponry and their numbers and fanaticism, doesn't have a lot of historical precedent. The key is not 'them,' but us—to what degree will we continue to value freedom, invest rather than merely spend, and pass on stern values not just sensuality to our children?..."
"Thucydides reminds us that, contrary to modern behavioralists, human nature is constant and thus predictable, and thus as well history is useful and not like 19th-century biology that is rendered obsolete by a radically changing technology that allows the discovery of the cell or atom. And he warns us that no people, however wealthy and free, get a pass from history, that they don't have to struggle daily to ensure that they do not lose what was given to them."